Over the years, we’re proud to say that our Female Orgasm program has been received numerous awards from colleges and universities around the country. Here’s a selection:

We received this email from the advisor to East Tennessee State University’s (Johnson City, TN) Feminist Majority Leadership Alliance: “Last night your program won three awards at ETSU's annual "Summit Awards" honoring student organizations. The Female Orgasm won Best New Program, Best Co-Sponsored Program, and ... (drumroll) Program of the Year! FMLA, as lead sponsor, gets the bragging rights, but the credit is yours!”

James Madison University (Harrisonburg, VA) gave its “Outstanding Educational Program” to the University Program Board for The Female Orgasm program.

Two members of Stetson University (Deland, FL)’s social justice group OSAPE (Organization for Students Actively Pursuing Equality) display the award they received at their school’s end-of-year awards ceremonies, naming The Female Orgasm that year’s “Best New Program.”

At Tiffin University (Tiffin, OH) Leadership Awards Banquet, Student Government won this award for “Outstanding Educational Program” for bringing our program to campus. It reads, “for excellence in promoting the ideals of Educational Programming and providing leadership opportunities.”

These students from the University of Delaware’s (Newark, DE) chapter of NOW-CAN accepted this award for "Outstanding Recognized Student Organization Program" for hosting The Female Orgasm program.

Members of the Simmons College (Boston, MA) Women’s Center show off the “Student Life Program Award”
the Female Orgasm program was given for "significant contributions to Simmons College and for raising awareness about sexual health and female sexuality."

Gustavus Adolphus College’s (Saint Peter, MN) Women’s Awareness Center received a Magnuson Award, described as “the highest formal recognition for student organizations, events, and individuals.” According to Associate Dean of Students Deirdre Rosenfeld, the group was given the award “for their contributions to campus life, and largely as a result of I Heart Female Orgasm.”
Did your group win an award after hosting one of our programs? Let us know so we can add you to this page!