what college students are saying about the sex discussed here! program

"Out of all the programs on sex I have heard, this was the best."
Michael McDeek, Student, Aquinas College
“Most informative ‘sex ed class’ I’ve ever attended. I’m honored to have been a part of bringing this event to campus!”
Heather Daly, President, Sexual Assault Awareness Committee, Hartwick College
“These two are FABULOUS! Sex explained like you have never heard before… fun, informative… did I mention FABULOUS?”
Starla Crawford, Secretary, Women’s Center, Florida State University
“They make talking about sex awesome, not awkward.”
Brett Geren, Student, Hendrix College
“Your program really engaged and kept students’ attention – everyone who came stayed, which was a big deal for this school! Everyone on their way out was smiling and talking about how much they enjoyed the program. They left more informed, certainly, but also more empowered.”
Heather Day, Co-Chair, Women’s Association, Bowdoin College

We don't mind graffiti on a publicity bulletin board when it looks like this.
“Hilarious duo, I would love to bring them back again! It was a packed room!”
Irini Gaglos, Event Co-Director, Campus Activities Board, Harper College
“I really enjoyed how this program ACTUALLY addressed LGBT concerns as opposed to just mentioning the labels as if that were enough.”
Arianna Stelling, student member of the Sexuality Task Force, Lynchburg College
“I’ve never [before] been able to listen to a sex discussion without feeling uncomfortable. The humor and information were absolutely unbelievable.”
Konnor O’Bara, Peer Health Educator, Nazareth College
"You were able to deal with the delicate issue of sex at Catholic schools without sacrificing any information. Thank you so much!"
Johanna Hatch, Student Coordinator, Advocates for Sexual Consent, College of St. Benedict/St. Johns University
“Being an RA I have concerns for the residents who are beginning to experiment with their sexuality. This program encourages safety and realistic concerns.”
Jenny Kavan, Resident Assistant, Siena Heights University

Enjoying a silly moment with a group of student Orientation leaders.
"This was a perfect way to get freshmen involved in an open dialogue about sex, namely healthy sex on campus."
Sara Franklin, Vice President, Tufts VOX, Tufts University
“They don’t hide the truth about sex from you like they did in high school.”
Nicole, Mount Union College
“Dorian and Marshall were incredibly open and honest with the audience in answering their questions! Incredibly informative!”
Aaron Boothby, Public Relations Chair, Raider Programming Board, Mount Union College
“Extremely hilarious, entertaining from start to finish.
Andrew Haughey, Orientation Leader, University of Massachusetts
“Packed house...wildly popular event.”
Central Florida Community College newspaper via University Wire