publicity and promotion
Organizers rave about the publicity package we send to every school that books the hosts our programs, designed to make it easy for you to draw a crowd. Here are some additional tools you might find handy:
Blurbs & Taglines: short, eye-catching program descriptions for Facebook, online calendars, newspaper listings, posters, etc.
Order Additional Posters, T-shirts, or Buttons
Blurbs & Taglines
Each program below has two blurbs to choose from, one short and one long
Students at the University of Virginia painted the traditional campus bridge for their upcoming event.
Female Orgasm (full-length description)
Join us to laugh and learn about the "big O," the most popular topic sex educators [name] and [name] teach about! Orgasm aficionados and beginners of all genders are welcome to come learn about everything from multiple orgasms to that mysterious G-spot. Whether you want to learn how to have your first orgasm, how to have better ones, or how to help your partner, [first names of presenters] cover it all with lots of humor, plenty of honesty, and an underlying message of sexual health and women's empowerment. Are you coming?
[Fill in date, time, and location at the end.]
Female Orgasm (tagline / short description)
A funny, educational program about women's sexuality and pleasure. [Fill in date, time, and location]
Sex Discussed Here! (full-length description, non-Orientation program)
Come to this week's hottest "class" on campus, Sex Discussed Here! [Name] and [name] teach sex education unlike any you've had before -- this is definitely NOT your high school health class. Learn how to figure out what your partner really wants sexually, the real deal on lube, magic words for the bedroom, and answers to your secret sex questions (find out what everyone else has been wanting to know, too!). People of all genders and sexual orientations welcome, beginners and sexperts alike. Come prepared to laugh and learn!
[Fill in date, time, location info at the end.]

Sex Discussed Here! (tagline / short description)
[Name] and [name] teach sex education unlike any you've had before.
[Fill in date, time, location info]
Sex in the Dark
Stay anonymous in this lights-off event while national experts answer your deepest, darkest questions. No question too simple — or too outrageous. This is gonna be interesting!
Free glow bracelets & necklaces. [Add in any other freebies, food, etc.]
Straight Answers to Queer Questions (full-length description)
Many heterosexual people have questions about lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender issues but never have a chance to get the answers. In this smart, funny program, sex educators [name] and [name] will address the most frequently asked questions from "How do lesbians have sex?" to "My girlfriend is bisexual -- now what?" to “What are the options for trans folks who want to have kids?” People of all genders and sexual orientations are welcome!
[Fill in date, time, and location at the end.]
Straight Answers to Gay Questions (tagline / short description)
Everything heterosexual people ever wanted to know about gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgender people. [Fill in date, time, and location]
Looking for blurbs for our TRANScending (S)EXpectations or Coloring Outside the Lines, or other LGBTQ programs? Contact us and we'll email them to you.
Concerned that these titles or descriptions may not be appropriate for your campus? Need a more low-key way to promote the program for public spaces? Contact us -- we can give you lots of ideas that other colleges have used to promote our events successfully.

The Cornell Community Center mascot ordered a shirt in just
his size so he could tell the
world how he felt about the
Big O.
Buy additional buttons and t-shirts
You'll receive 5 free t-shirts and 10 free buttons from us as part of your publicity package. Many schools choose to purchase more buttons and t-shirts to sell them a a fundraiser, give them away as pre-event publicity, or get enough so every member of the group can wear one. You can buy buttons in bulk at the discounted price of $0.60/button. Contact us if you're interested in buying t-shirts in bulk at the discounted price of $10/shirt.Please note: The text on this page is copyrighted and the I Love Female Orgasm image is trademarked. All rights are reserved; these words and image may not be used without our permission. Colleges, universities, and other groups who are bringing us to speak have our permission to use this text and image to publicize our upcoming visit to campus. If you are not affiliated with a college, university, or other group bringing us to speak, and wish to use the text or or I Love Female Orgasm image, please contact us to request permission.